Monday - Friday: 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM


What methods do you use?

We are a professional, highly skilled and very experienced debt collection business. We use our knowledge of the law, and our understanding of why debts occur, to reach an agreement with the debtor to pay you what they owe. Our very proactive and comprehensive approach includes telephone calls and visits if required to secure payment of the debt - we do much more than just send a letter! In all cases we are professional, calm, and operate in full compliance or all UK laws and regulations.

What about free debt collection?

For most business debts we can collect your debt effectively free of charge. this is because you have a statutory right to claim debt collection costs and interest from the debtor. We will do all the necessary calculations and will add cost and interest to the debt as the law allows. If the collection is successful you will receive full payment of the original debt plus interest. Debt collection costs can also be added to consumer debts if your terms allow.

What is Debtor Tracing?

Debtor Tracing is the name we use for finding someone who owes you money. Sometimes people change telephone numbers, or change address and it can make it difficult for you to track them down. Don't worry - we can usually find them. Debtor tracing is all part of the service we can provide, so if the person who owes you money has 'gone missing' we can still help you.

I'm not in the UK, can you still help?

Yes, provided the debtor is based in the UK.

What geographic areas to you cover?

We provide our debt collection services UK wide. Predominantly our debt collection services are carried out in the United Kingdom.

Can your fees be collected from my debtor?

In most cases yes they can, however, we would need to consider the contractual terms where appropriate.

Do you take people to county court?

We will issue proceedings in your name if necessary. Prior to this happening, our in-house lawyer will discuss with you the litigation process and any potential problems that you may incur with issuing proceedings against your debtor.

What happens when I have a County Court Judgment against my debtor?

We will discuss with you the various methods of enforcement available to you and help you decide on the most appropriate and effective route.


FAP Debt Recovery aims to achieve the highest possible standards in all areas of our business, particularly when dealing with our customers and with those we contact regarding collections. There are of course times when things go wrong.



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